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Sonntag, 13. November 2011

Cymatics in Sacred Architecture

In ancient to medieval civil works we find secrets we are now beginning to understand, discover and reveal as a collective for the first time in human existence.

It's not that only pyramids include geometric, astrologic and spiritual information. Even our western churches hold similar imprints of a symbolic language speaking about us humans that goes beyond biblical tales or doctrine. These are information of sublime nature that connect everybody who is looking for it.

Evidence of that networking process becomes apparent in the community bulding around the phenomenon of crop circles, the rediscovery of sacred geometry and attempts to harmonize mathematics and physics with spiritual truth (unified field theoriy).

Sound in space (referring to cymatics) I find manifested in the creation of chuches containing an explanatory model for our true nature as entities united in space.

Our churches effectively show to us the great power sound has in a common enviroment. They symbolize standing waves in composition and ornaments to remind us of what we're made of: standing waves - we are inseparable from space, god, reality or whatever we may call it, yet individual and unique. Therefore, our actions dramatically shape our world we live in and so build a freely scalable, intersecting web of individual, global and universal oscillation.

My video shows the geometry of the Sahasrara, a spiritual symbol on the floor of a church in Venice (Italy) as a reminder of sacred geometry and spiritual practice. There are referenes to cymatics, vortex science and twin spiral patterns in nature. Even some crop circles contain this pattern repeatedly.

For references check out Youtube for keywords such as "sacred geometry", "unified field" (Nassim Haramein), "nature by numbers", "vortex" and even "(3d) fractals". Basic is Specifically Stuart & T.J.Mitchell come very close to my approch in "The Rosslyn Motet".

I am happy about comments, links and videos posted here! Thank you.

Blessings, D.T.

Link to the video:

For further reading:




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